We started talking to Turkel about the project a couple of months before we closed on the lot, and signed a Design Services Agreement (DSA) with them a couple of weeks before closing, with a contingency on closing, but no plan not to close and a desire to hit the ground running. The DSA deliverables included the development of a 3D digital schematic/model, then creation of 2D plans, a written specification with major interior and exterior elements, and pricing for a prefabricated component package.
Prior to launching the design process we were drawn to the Axiom 2340. We liked the open L-shaped living area with the kitchen at the elbow, and the 2-story “light well” surrounding a loft, adding to an open feel and providing light without creating a lot of dead/wasted volume. The issue with the 2340 was that it was only about 31′ wide and our lot was a trapezoid with 75′ on the water and 50′ at the road, so we wanted to push towards the water and go as wide as possible. Ideally we also wanted the master on the main level, and to have water views from that and the main living area. This led us to think that maybe a Turkel design for Lindal, the TD3 2100, might be a better starting point, but we left the starting point as a TBD as there were some things we did not like as much about the TD3 2100 (lots of bedrooms, smaller living area) and Turkel’s pitch was that they were going to ask us questions and make a recommendation.
Here are the major “touch points” and steps of our initial design “program:”
8/3 – Signed the Design Services Agreement
9/2 – Turkel architect made a site visit
9/16 – Online meeting to review a “site packet.” Main thing here was defining the building envelope based on zoning setback and height limitations, and also understanding the flood zone requirements. SketchUp was used for the online meeting.
9/29 – Online meetings scheduled for 10/7, 10/22, and 11/11. We were sent a program worksheet that listed rooms/dimensions/areas/comments, and we returned this worksheet with our comments. 3BR/2.5BA, little over 2500 soft. We nixed the idea of tray ceilings in the master and master bath.
10/6 – Online meeting scheduled for 11/25
10/7 – Online meeting to review program worksheet and discuss high level design, rooms, locations, etc. Looked at some different Turkel designs and discussed the idea of Axiom 2340 with a master sweet stapled to the side of it. Next step selection of a model/design that could be starting point for our home.
10/22 – Online meeting, “Schematic Design Review 1.” Based on our feedback on the program worksheet we were led through a series of progressions with “jelly block” rooms moved around to create a series of 3D bubble diagrams. The final progression was indeed something like the Axiom 2340 with a master suite stapled to the main level. The layout of the main spaces was pretty close to the final result, just needed to sort out location of master bath, closets, mud/laundry and mechanical rooms, and delete an upstairs bedroom. We were tasked with providing feedback in the form of what we liked and what we saw as issues (rather than providing specific solutions) to allow them to digest and refine the design.
10/26 – Received pdf packet from the 10/22 meeting, included 3 schematics, first of these was last progression from our meeting and clearly the basis of the design going forward.
11/1 – Sent our feedback on SD1. Suggested we might prefer closets to be adjacent to master instead of ensuite, discussed need for living room to also be media room, and deleted an upstairs bedroom, making other bedroom larger and maybe giving it a small deck. We went out into a parking lot and blue-taped outlines of the main living spaces to try to get an idea of size and feel, and based on that suggested that we might like a little more living room and a little less deck.
11/11 – Online meeting, “Schematic Design Review 2.” Very close to the final design. Walls were added to the model, which we were told could consume up to 15% of the floor area, and during the meeting we were able to see things moving around the interior of the 3D model.
11/14 – Received SD2 pdf packet from the 11/11 meeting.
11/18 – Sent our feedback on SD2. Didn’t like the idea of transiting the ensuite to get to one of the master suite walk-in closets, and asked about increasing size of master and guest a little bit. Asked how we would go about finding a structural engineer and also signed up geotechnical engineer for soil survey and thinking about who would design the foundation, which would likely be a deep foundation (i.e. piles). Looking forward also visited Norwalk Planning & Zoning to ask about the CAM (Coastal Area Management) approval process, which we were told could take a couple of months and so wanted to be on top of that. They marked up the requirements/forms for us, and one of the requirements I latched on to was a “drainage report.” We asked the geotechnical engineer if that could be added to his scope, but he told us we would need to engage a civil/site engineer for this. We were also wrestling with siting home in A flood zone vs pushing towards the water (where lot is wider) and having some of the home in the V zone, and trying to understand cost implications of this decision. It was very hard to get specific information on the insurance aspect of this decision without elevation certificates, but the guidance seemed to be that siting in the V zone would cost “a lot more” (even if positively elevated).
11/25 – Online meeting, “Schematic Design Review 3.” Pretty much the final design. Spent some time discussing siting in A vs V, with setbacks it would be tight keeping footprint in A (which is what we ultimately did, trimming some things to wedge the home in to the permitted envelope).
12/1 – Received SD3 pdf packet from the 11/25 meeting.
12/4 – Sent our feedback on SD3. Ensuite shower size, vanity configuration, built-ins, WICs. Small stuff. Asked what the next step was.
12/10 – Turkel said they were incorporating our comments and bringing the level of finish up in the model (cladding, windows) so it would look more like a house, and that once we signed off they would send a package out to get pricing for both their package and our local builder (local builder TBD).
12/29 – After pestering Turkel a bit received the “final design packet” (SD4).
1/5 – Sent our feedback on SD4. WICs in master suite, kitchen design (started to realize we might need help with this), concerns about blinds for tall skinny windows, idea of sliding doors from dining room to deck, and started asking questions about windows to promote air flow. On the small powder room, 5×5 near the front door, realized that was small so we needed to be smart about layout, and found a great post on powder rooms (I probably need to create a page with a list of links to sites I found helpful), so we suggested changing from A to B or C.
1/18 – Online meeting, “Schematic Design Review 5.” Mainly discussed ensuite layout, we liked Turkel’s solution to our feedback. They had some concern about commode being visible from the hallway/master, but I viewed that as big positive, with the bathroom and commode doors open there is a water view from the seat! The ensuite ended up at a bit over 140 sqft, not small but also not enormous. A large shower at 5.5x6ft, commode with a pocket door, 8′ vanity, and plenty of room for a tub.

Final addition was a largish (12’+) sliding door for the dining room. We like the idea of being able to open up the dining area to the deck/outdoors/view. Turkel suggested sliding over accordion as the former more like big windows when closed, and given climate they would be closed quite a bit. Next steps pricing, assembling the CAM application, and a cabinetry questionnaire. The Turkel team told us we were on track for construction to start in the summer (’16).
1/20 – Received SD5 packet from the 1/18 meeting, also a cabinetry survey and design specification. Still lots of design work left to do before construction drawings would be done, but I would say this concluded the conceptual/schematic design phase of the project. So a little over five months from engagement to completion of this design phase, and we ended up with a 2561 sqft home with 412 sqft of decking (entry, rear, upper) and a lower level garage/storage area of 1725 sqft.